Saturday 24 May 2014

Different ways you need to know to overcome your OCD levels

Understand what is OCD?
Constant checking of things like sockets lights or closing the door in a proper manner or not for more than 30 times in a day, then you are suffering from OCD. Don’t be afraid and you are not alone, many millions of people are suffering with this type of disorder. Below, we are giving some ways to overcome from OCD. There are many different ways to reduce the OCD. Choose the best and suitable way to overcome your OCD levels

  • Cognitive – Behavioral Therapy: Many researches proved that CBT is the most effective therapy in controlling the obsessive and anxious thoughts. The therapist helps to challenge the obsessive and anxious thoughts and help them to convert those obsessive thoughts into positive one. Most of the people don’t have any awareness about this CBT. Choose the best therapist; it was not an easy task.
  • Good Sufficient sleep: Sleep plays a vital role in the human life. A good sufficient sleep makes you relax and recharge your body with energy to work actively on the next day. But people who are suffering with the obsessive thoughts will find difficult to get good sound sleep so
-          Play some cool and relaxing music or your favorite tunes which will helps to get good sound sleep.

-          Reading some spiritual books or comic books will also bring a drastic change.
-          But avoid the television or gadgets before 20 minutes of your sleep.
  •   Games: Many of us know outdoor games are more effective and it helps to reduce the stress and anxiety levels in fact it is true, outdoor games makes you fit and healthy in both physical and psychological way but do you know video games reduce the OCD thoughts; yes, it is true, for playing these video games you require more concentration and while playing these games and no one concentrate on other things. These will take our mind away from the obsessive and anxious thoughts.
  •  Plan a busy day: Schedule a list and complete things which you want to do and your OCD thoughts will become calm.
  •  Share your feelings with others: Call your friend or family member who is the dearest one to you and try to share your obsessive and anxious feelings to them, this will also helps you to relax.
  •  Plan some surprises to your dear ones: Think and do something nice to your dear ones that you wanted to do to them. This will helps to make the relations stronger and increase your positive energy levels.
  • Journaling thoughts: It was one of the best idea, many of the people don’t want to share the feelings to others and writing all the thoughts will also make you to feel relax.
  • Wake up your internal artist: If you like painting, sketching, drawing, coloring or any other thing try to do those wake – up your internal artist and try to develop your hobby which you like the most.
  • Search more information about OCD: You can get loads and loads of information about OCD.  Try to search and understand about the OCD. Perusal about the OCD will helps to reaffirm that your obsessive and anxious thoughts are not real.
  •  Natural supplements: Usage of herbal and natural supplements will give you a soothing and relaxed effect and improve the sleep.
-          St.john’s wort: It is very helpful to reduce the obsessive and anxious thoughts and it will give a very calming feeling.
-          Chamomile in tea form helps to calm the nervous system.
-          Valerian, it works great for the people who are suffering with OCD, sleep and anxiety problems.
-          L-tryptophan it also helps to improve the sleep by relaxing your obsessive and anxious thoughts.
-          Many different varieties of minerals, vitamins, amino acids are also helpful.
  •  Face all the fears and emotions bravely: Facing the fears is the effective way to break the OCD thoughts or feelings. 
  • Nutrition: Most of you already heard of this topic but eating a fully balanced diet is the most important thing. Intake of food shows a great impact on our body, mind and nervous system.  People who are suffering with anxious and obsessive thoughts must cut the intake of sugar, caffeine, alcohol and white color foods like pasta, white bread and replace the white with brown color food. Plan to add protein and mineral contained food in your diet.
  •   Stop the intake of beverages: The surprising fact is that intake of soft drinks, beverages and caffeine will increase the OCD and anxiety thoughts. Try to cut or avoid those and switch to natural teas and drink plenty of water.
  •  Massage therapy: It will play a vital role in bringing the body and mind into a relaxed position.  Any type of massage is helpful a chair massage therapy is also helpful.
  •  Yoga, Meditation and Relaxation techniques: Yoga one of the most effective and efficient way to reduce the obsessive and anxious thoughts. There are many different helpful yoga poses which will take to the air to the nervous system and brain and makes you relax and refresh.  Meditation also one of the most effective one in reducing the anxiety and obsessive thoughts. Practice of Mindfulness meditation will show many effective benefits.  Relaxation techniques, tai chi, listening to classical music also show very effective results.
  • Smile: Laughter is the most effective and priceless medicine it will decrease the anxiety and obsessive thoughts and also helps others to smile at you.
    The good thing is that no matter to which Anxiousor obsessive thoughts you are suffering from there are always different ways to overcome from those. Try to understand the causes and reasons and observe the reasons for the causes. Be cool and calm and handle the situations in an effective manner. For more help you can also get help from an expert in this field.